Tourniquet  - Pathogenic Occular Disonance (1992)

Technical thrash/speed metal was pretty big in the early 90's and a band that was probably one of the best in the genre was Tourniquet. Having released their 3rd album on Metal Blade in 1992 under the title "Pathogenic Occular Dissonance". Pathogenic Occular Dissonance has a very wide spectrum and was all conquered musically well! A great album for Tourniquet and a great album for the label. There is a few different styles of vocals on here that coincide well with the music. Harsh yells, some melodic singing in a way that Sacred Reich and Dark Angel had done around the same time. Quite interesting yet so befitting! But Tourniquets vocal style was even yet a bit before it's time. The thing that seperated this band from any other in the genre, was the technicality of the music. Time signatures that Tourniquet had became known for previously are very relevent here! There is no real band to compare this to so it is useless even trying! The weird but fascinating thing is the band was really into medical terminology as Carcass were, but Tourniquet had used this in Christian views. Song titles such as: "Gelatinous Tubercles of Purilent Ossification", and "Spectrophobic Dementia" are tracks in use of this type. Never having been done before this put Tourniquet in a league all of their own. This is definitely a cd worth getting if you can find it! This still competes and kicks over alot of bands yet even to this day! -- Review by Shannon

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