Sometime Sunday - Stone (1994)

From the hot burning embers of the "grunge" movement (meaning when it was still alive) sprang Seattle Washington's Sometime Sunday. With obvious influences from their contemporaries such as Pearl Jam and Soundgarden, Sometime Sunday was always a bit heavier somehow and could almost be considered "sludge-core" (ie: slow hardcore). This cd (along with Pearl Jams "Ten") remains one of the ONLY cd's that I find enjoyable to listen to from that period. This is also one of the bands that truly helped Tooth and Nail Records become the musical staple that it is today, being the third release on the label back in 1994. Sometime Sunday with their heavy chugging rhythms and sludge-like guitars and the strong emotional vocals of Mikee Bridges (now vocalist for Tragedy Ann) truly brought a serious attitude back to modern music. Mikee definitely has one of the most moving and original voices in rock. This cd although compared often to the "grunge greats" has a sound all its own and should definitely be given a chance. It still holds water as a great album today, years after its release. ---Review by Norm

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