Sculpture  - Spiritual Matrix (1998)

Sculpture is the latest in a line of thrash bands from The Netherlands to be released on the Fear Dark record label. Sculpture combines technical thrash with old-school death to create a very heavy cd that is remniscent of bands like Believer, Decision D and early Tourniquet. The guitar work is superb with riffs and runs that would make even an Extol fan proud! . The music can at times range from ultra-fast and technical to a more groove oriented sound similar to Ultimatum. Vocally the guy sounds a little like Believer. The lyrics are straight up evangelical and on-fire for Christ. The best thing about this cd is it seems to get better with every listen! These songs were originally recorded in 1998 and I can not wait to hear what these guys have in store for us in the future. -- Review by Norm

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