This is hardcore. I have never been a big fan of hardcore for several reasons. The vocals were always a pet peeve of mine and the guitar parts, although quite heavy, always have seemed a bit simple. Well
recently, with the releases of bands like Zao and Underoath, I have been forced to give this genre a second look and I like what I see! and hear! Point of Recognition shapes their songs with a more conventional old-school feel than
either Zao or Underoath but there is something there that a lot of Hardcore bands lack. Maybe it is just a feeling or the Holy Spirit moving in the song. I don't know but whatever it is these guys got it! The songs have a great yet
raw production and are kept right around 3 minutes long as all good hardcore bands should. This CD seems to have an impressive metal edge to it. Although the vocals are shouted they seem to have a bit of that black/death rasp to
them (ala Zao) and flow really well. The songs are all very catchy and really get you bouncing around. There are even a couple parts where it slows down to a melodic acoustic guitar interlude only to come back and kick you right in
the face with a full-blown metal attack. The lyrics are equally impressive reminding me of the phrase that was heavily in use back in the days of UNASHAMED and FOCUSED, "Spirit filled Hardcore" they are on-fire and in
your face for Jesus! This is hardcore for a new generation. -- Review by Norm |