This is a 9 track cd of some very good hard rock and metal. The guitars are crisp and the riffs original. Most the songs have that "sing along" feel on the choruses and a strong attempt at an
"arena rock" feel. The vocals are powerful and harsh yet easily understood, sorta like an AC/DC type vocal. This cd is one of my favorites to just kick back and jam to as it really gives you a spiritual lift lyrically and
musically. Most the songs are mid-paced and uptempo and hold the listeners attention. It's a catchy album that doesn't bore easily. To be completely honest I must say that overall the cd doesn't quite stack up to some of it's
contemporaries, although there are some very well crafted melodies and hooks it seems just a bit "second-rate" (I am not really sure why, possibly the vocals as they are a bit generic). Recommended for fans of Holy
Soldier, Van Halen, ACDC, Bulletboys (Krush is better than Bulletboys!!!), Stone Angel, Bride and other hard rock/metal acts. -- Review by Norm |