This is Disciples third full-length cd and their best to date. Heavy crunchy guitars mixed with intense vocals that range from a passionate classic metal gospel feel to a full-on modern rap-core approach.
This band has won many people to the Lord with their no-holds-barred evangelical approach to their ministry and lyrics. Disciple has been around since the early 90's and have undergone a few musical transformations over the years
but have always kept their musical and lyrical integrity intact and kept their sound based on hard rock. This cd is a full 21 tracks long and I can honestly say that every song is good, not a boring moment on here. For the most
part the music is a blistering hybrid of hardcore, metal, rock and modern rapcore. This cd is sure to slam your senses with it's wall of hard rockin sonic noise! There are also a couple of beautiful and worshipful ballads included
which serve to enhance the overall sound of this great disc. -- Review by Norm |