Blood-N-Fire - Messiah

This is one excellent hard rock album! Great melodic hooks and big catchy choruses abound! The production is above average for an independent release and the guitars are crisp and clear with heavy rock riffs and an occasional funky jazz influenced break. The songs range from heavy rock/metal to jangly alternative modern rock and praise. The music is tight and very well done. Another strong point here are the lyrics, they are in your face for Christ but in a very non-condemning way (just check out tracks like "Distortion" and "Jenny" to see what I mean). Other songs are uplifting and center on praise and worship (ie: the tracks "Messiah" and "Since I met Jesus"). Of course there are some rippin' straight ahead rockers here (ie: the track "Warfare") that flat blow the mind and make you wish you hadn't sold your old Stryper records! One of the finest Christian hard rock tunes ever written is covered here. "Judas Kiss", originally done by Petra, is simply amazing and full of fire, power and conviction. There are a couple tunes here that are pretty mellow and I must recommend these tracks to fans of softer "ballad" style rock. Overall this is a cd that is a must for any fan of melodic hard rock Recommended for fans of Stryper, Laudamus, Stone Angel, Bloodgood, Third Crow and even Precious Death! -- Review by Norm

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